About the Journal

Amandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published by Penerbit Hellow Pustaka. The journal is aimed at spreading the research results conducted by academicians, educators, researchers, administrators at academic institutions, and practitioners in the field of Learning, Teaching and Education in both theory and practice. In particular, papers which consider the following general topics are invited: learning theory in practice, teaching and assessment, Educational research, innovative methodologies in learning, e-learning, digital classrooms, blended learning, social networks and education, classroom management issues, educational case studies, teaching preparation and performance, learning processes and learning environments, teaching pedagogy, innovative teaching techniques, management learning and education in schools and universities, teacher professional development, Educational leadership, curriculum development, education quality, Computers in educational administration, marketing in education, E-Learning management, organizations as learning communities, Islamic education, Innovation learning, teaching and education.

Amandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies Published 2 (two) times annually, on April and October. Each of the issue has 6 articles both on conceptual article and research article. Amandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies in English written articles areĀ  welcomed.