Amandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies
<p><strong>Amandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal published by Penerbit Hellow Pustaka. The journal is aimed at spreading the research results conducted by academicians, educators, researchers, administrators at academic institutions, and practitioners in the field of Learning, Teaching and Education in both theory and practice. In particular, papers which consider the following general topics are invited: learning theory in practice, teaching and assessment, Educational research, innovative methodologies in learning, e-learning, digital classrooms, blended learning, social networks and education, classroom management issues, educational case studies, teaching preparation and performance, learning processes and learning environments, teaching pedagogy, innovative teaching techniques, management learning and education in schools and universities, teacher professional development, Educational leadership, curriculum development, education quality, Computers in educational administration, marketing in education, E-Learning management, organizations as learning communities, Islamic education, Innovation learning, teaching and education.</p> <p><strong>Amandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies</strong> Published 2 (two) times annually, on April and October. Each of the issue has 6 articles both on conceptual article and research article. <strong>Amandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies</strong> in English written articles are welcomed.</p>Penerbit Hellow Pustakaen-USAmandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies2987-0038Characteristics and Goals of Entrepreneurship-Based Education
<p>Poverty is a way of entry for the new century of colonialism. Future generations should be able to fight for this nation's wealth. The education of entrepreneurship is a way to reduce poverty; it is an education concept encouraging students to be creative and innovative in doing something. The pattern of such education requires learners to be productive. Entrepreneurship education is educational framework that directs learners to be quick in understanding and probing the economic and social needs of the surrounding community. Government should be willing to provide sufficient funds so that the process of entrepreneurship education can run smoothly.Even the community should be more active and intense in monitoring the development of entrepreneurial education if they want the progress of their nation, not only being a nation of coolie by sending migrant workers abroad, mostly of them are maid workers. This country is rich in natural resources, were it supported by resources having a high entrepreneurial spirit it would become a prosperous state so that by itself poverty would be far reduced. Poverty will evaporate into the history and transform to be memories that only can be remembered in museums.</p>Holilur RahmanMuhammad RosulMuhammad SofiullahAhmad Muta’ali
Copyright (c) 2024 Holilur Rahman, Muhammad Rosul, Muhammad Sofiullah, Ahmad Muta’ali
2024-10-102024-10-1022798810.61166/amd.v2i2.46The Use of Lumio Applications in the Maharah Qiraah and Chitabah in Learning Arabic
<p>This research discusses how the use of learning media makes it easier for teachers and students to understand the material and improves the increasingly rapid technological advances. In this research the technology used is the Lumio application. The Covid-19 outbreak has caused the need for technology in the world of education to increase because learning is no longer carried out offline but online. Therefore, the learning media used must also be updated to support effective learning. Apart from that, the Lumio application was chosen because of its conditional nature, it can be used offline or online. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method using observation and interview techniques. Based on the analysis carried out, it was found that in learning Arabic, Lumio is very supportive so that it can be used in all four directions. Using this platform is also very easy to learn and apply. Lumio also has many features that can be used and utilized in learning.</p>Imas MaisarahAnisul Imamah
Copyright (c) 2024 Imas Maisarah, Anisul Imamah
2024-10-312024-10-3122899810.61166/amd.v2i2.69The Theory of Formalism Philosophy in Mathematics Learning
<p>Philosophy has become an important field of study and is now being taught in schools and universities. This development has laid the foundation for the emergence of various schools of thought in modern philosophy. Formalism is an approach in mathematics that emphasizes the importance of using formal rules and mathematical structures in understanding and developing mathematical concepts. This article is a literature study that discusses the development of formalistic philosophy applied in mathematics education.</p>ZafrullahAtika Miftah RamadhaniRizki Tika Ayuni
Copyright (c) 2024 Zafrullah, Atika Miftah Ramadhani, Rizki Tika Ayuni
2024-12-172024-12-17229910910.61166/amd.v2i2.48Optimizing Social Studies Learning in Early Elementary School Grades: Strategies and Challenges
<p>Social Studies learning in early elementary grades plays a crucial role in shaping students' understanding and awareness of their social and cultural environment. However, in practice, Social Studies learning at this level often faces various challenges. This article aims to examine strategies and challenges in optimizing Social Studies learning in early elementary grades. The research method used is a literature study by analyzing various sources related to Social Studies learning in early elementary grades. The findings suggest that several strategies can be implemented to optimize Social Studies learning, including (1) the use of thematic-integrative approaches, (2) the utilization of engaging and interactive learning media, (3) the application of student-centered learning methods, and (4) the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. On the other hand, the challenges faced in optimizing Social Studies learning include (1) teachers' limited understanding of the concepts and characteristics of Social Studies learning, (2) the lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure, (3) a dense curriculum load, and (4) difficulties in relating Social Studies material to students' daily lives. The article concludes that optimizing Social Studies learning in early elementary grades requires comprehensive efforts, including improving teacher competencies, providing adequate learning resources, and adjusting the curriculum to meet the needs and characteristics of students. Thus, Social Studies learning in early elementary grades can lay a strong foundation for the development of students' understanding and awareness of their social and cultural environment.</p>Haifa AnnisaLailatul Qurrota AyuniIsmi RahmayantiTin Rustini
Copyright (c) 2024 Haifa Annisa, Lailatul Qurrota Ayuni, Ismi Rahmayanti, Tin Rustini
2024-12-172024-12-172211012710.61166/amd.v2i2.50The Effect of Project Based Learning Model (PjBL) in Student Civics Kognitive Learning Results in Basic Schools
<p>The background of this study is that it is still often found that students during learning activities look unprepared to receive material and many of them are still less interested in Civics lessons, resulting in learning activities not running properly which makes the learning outcomes obtained by students less than optimal. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of cognitive learning outcomes of Civics students who get learning treatment using project-based learning (PjBL) learning model and tofind out how the effect of project-based learning (PjBL) learning model on cognitive learning outcomes of Civics students in elementary school. This study used a quasi-experimental type using a sample of fifth grade elementary school students as many as 21 students from the experimental class and 21 students from the control class. The project-based learning (PjBL) model treatment was given to the experimental class while the control class received the STAD cooperative model treatment. The test instrument used in this study was in the form of multiple choice, to measure the ability of the student learning outcomes studied. The results in this study were seen from the average score obtained by students during the pretest before getting treatment in the experimental class of 68.10, then when the posttest was carried out, the average score of students increased to 87.17. Then in the calculation of the regression test of the pretest and posttest data, the value of Fcount > Ftable or 66.424> 4.38 means that H0 is rejected. Thus it can be concluded that the cognitive learning outcomes of Civics students in the experimental class have increased after getting the project-based learning (PjBL) model treatment and there is a great influence on the use of the project-based learning (PjBL) model on the cognitive learning outcomes of Civics students in the experimental class.</p>Farah MuchtarSrie MulyaniTiara Yogiarni
Copyright (c) 2024 Farah Muchtar, Srie Mulyani, Tiara Yogiarni
2024-12-172024-12-172212813810.61166/amd.v2i2.56Improving the Understanding of the Concept of Multiplication and Division With the Aid of Kalgi Pintar Media for Students of Grade II of SD 4 Karangbener
<p>The motivation for this issue arises from students' limited understanding of multiplication and division concepts demonstrated during mathematics lessons. This was confirmed through interviews and observations, where 13 out of 18 students did not pass daily assessments (72%). The purpose of this study was to describe the improvement in understanding multiplication and division concepts using the Kalgi Pintar instructional media in Grade II at SD 4 Karangbener. Kalgi Pintar is a teaching board media designed to assist students in comprehending multiplication and division concepts in Mathematics by applying the Kalgi Pintar (Multiply Divide Smartly) instructional approach. Conceptual understanding involves the ability to comprehend material and then express it in different forms. This Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted in Grade II at SD 4 Karangbener with 18 student participants. The study spanned two cycles, each consisting of two sessions, including planning and implementation, observation, and reflection. Research instruments included observation sheets, interview guidelines, and concept comprehension tests. Content validity was assessed. Data collection methods involved tests, observations, interviews, and documentation. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods were employed. The results of this study indicate an improvement in understanding multiplication and division concepts with the assistance of the Kalgi Pintar instructional media. In Cycle I, the achievement percentage was 28%, which increased to 78% in Cycle II. Therefore, it can be concluded that there was an enhancement in students' conceptual understanding of multiplication and division using the Kalgi Pintar media.</p>Yovita Diva HapsariMelina Rahayu NengsihDiana Ermawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Yovita Diva Hapsari, Melina Rahayu Nengsih, Diana Ermawati