Amandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies 2024-08-23T13:23:58+00:00 Siti Rokhmah Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Amandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal published by Penerbit Hellow Pustaka. The journal is aimed at spreading the research results conducted by academicians, educators, researchers, administrators at academic institutions, and practitioners in the field of Learning, Teaching and Education in both theory and practice. In particular, papers which consider the following general topics are invited: learning theory in practice, teaching and assessment, Educational research, innovative methodologies in learning, e-learning, digital classrooms, blended learning, social networks and education, classroom management issues, educational case studies, teaching preparation and performance, learning processes and learning environments, teaching pedagogy, innovative teaching techniques, management learning and education in schools and universities, teacher professional development, Educational leadership, curriculum development, education quality, Computers in educational administration, marketing in education, E-Learning management, organizations as learning communities, Islamic education, Innovation learning, teaching and education.</p> <p><strong>Amandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies</strong> Published 2 (two) times annually, on April and October. Each of the issue has 6 articles both on conceptual article and research article. <strong>Amandemen: Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Studies</strong> in English written articles are welcomed.</p> Banjar Wayang Kulit As A Media For Implementing The Profile of Pancasila Students Aspects of Working Together 2024-03-31T14:17:02+00:00 Muhammad Rico Dewicca Fatma Nadilla <p>The first aim of writing this article is to analyze the background to the implementation of Banjar Shadow Puppetry. The second objective is to analyze efforts to implement the Pancasila Student Profile through the implementation of Banjar Shadow Puppets. The third objective is to analyze the impact of implementing Banjar Shadow Puppets as a medium for implementing the Pancasila Student Profile aspect of Gotong Royong. This research uses the literature study method, which is an activity that is required in research, especially academic research whose main aim is to develop theoretical and practical aspects and temporary conjectures in research. The results of the research show that the background to the implementation of Banjar shadow puppetry is because of circumcision events, inauguration ceremonies, weddings, national holidays or to fulfill someone's vows. Efforts to implement the Pancasila student profile in Banjar shadow puppetry can be seen from these figures who have exemplary examples that can be applied in social life. The impact of implementing Banjar shadow puppetry also has a connection and there are values contained in it from the beginning of the activity until the end. Activities require mutual cooperation from elements of society. This can be an example in its application at school.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Rico, Dewicca Fatma Nadilla Jamaluddin Al-Afghani's Thoughts on Islamic Education 2024-02-14T14:26:44+00:00 Taufik Marwina Hakim <p>The thought of Islamic education in the perspective of Jamaluddin al-Afghani can be described as a progressive and holistic vision that places education as the main instrument to overcome the challenges of the times, improve the sustainability of Muslims, and develop an intelligent and ethical society. The thinking of Islamic education from the perspective of Jamaluddin al-Afghani has a number of key objectives that reflect his determination to enhance the progress of Muslims. It involves liberating Muslims from the shackles of colonialism, overcoming setbacks and backwardness, developing superior individuals, integrating modern science, forming critical thinking skills, renewal in thought and action, creating unity among Muslims, as well as awakening the spirit of development.</p> 2024-04-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Taufik Marwina Hakim Thoughts on Islamic Education According to Classical Muslim Figures (Ibnu Sina, Al-Farabi and Ikhwanus Shafa) 2024-02-14T14:25:51+00:00 Faizatul Husna <p>In this writing will be explained about the thought figures of Ibn Sina, Al-Farabi and Ikhawanus Shafa is about Islamic Education. And a little explains some things related to Ibn Sina, Al-Farabi and Ikhwanus Shafa such as the biography of Ibn Sina, Al-Farabi and Ikhwanus Shafa and the thoughts of these three figures about Islamic education. This study aims to examine the thoughts of Ibn Sina, Al-Farabi and Ikhwanus Shafa towards Islamic Education. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using the type of literature study research (libraray research) and the method used is documentation data collection and content analysis. Ibn Sina is one of the Muslim thinkers who mastered the most various scientific fields. The thought of Islamic Education according to Ibn Sina is an effort to form a perfect human being, namely in physical (physical), intellectual (preparing professional energy), and ethics (moral) development. While Al-Farabi is a Muslim philosopher who has a great influence on the thought of the eastern world and also the western world, and the thought of Islamic Education According to the figure of Al-Farabi, education is a means or container to acquire a series of values, knowledge and skills in a certain time and culture. And lastly, the Ikhwanus Shafa is a secret society engaged in science which consists of several young people. Islamic Education Ikhwanus Shafa thought about the concept of educational goals, namely by formulating individual and social goals by realizing them through educational activities by giving more portion to social goals than individual goals.</p> 2024-04-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Faizatul Husna Application of Green Chemistry in the Context of Industrial Chemistry: Student Perspective and Importance for Continuing Study 2024-02-14T14:24:57+00:00 Monica Lauren Sinuraya Daffa Alaauddin Dzaki Anisa Agustin Hilda Nurhildayanti <p>Chemicals pose potential hazards to human health and the environment when used unwisely, carelessly, uncontrolled, incorrectly, and unsafely. Although Green Chemistry is strongly related to environmental issues, Green Chemistry-based learning also has a significant impact on students' learning achievement as well as skills in the learning process by providing a safe, interesting, and entertaining perspective of chemistry. This research uses the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method to collect the necessary data on the concept of green chemistry in the context of industrial chemistry in schools. This research was conducted online through the Google Meet platform on November 10, 2023. In this study, we interviewed three respondents who are grade XI students at SMKN 7 Bandung majoring in industrial chemistry. The results of the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) show that the respondents believe that the concept of Green Chemistry will have a high relevance in the context of the chemical industry, both in terms of practical applications and educational aspects. Green Chemistry is considered to have a positive and significant impact in the industrial context, both now and especially in the future. As the future generation in the industrial sector, the students showed great enthusiasm and interest in the application of Green Chemistry in various industrial processes.</p> 2024-04-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Monica Lauren Sinuraya, Daffa Alaauddin Dzaki, Anisa Agustin, Hilda Nurhildayanti Financial Challenges as One of the Barriers to Achieving Educational Goals 2024-02-14T14:23:34+00:00 Fauzan Huda Perdana Melinda Khaila Nurfadilla Muhammad Wahyu Daffa Dien Siti Sopa Lismaya Syifa Nurjamilah Fatwa Fadilah <p>This article discusses financial challenges as one of the main obstacles to achieving educational goals. In the context of low levels of education, it was revealed that financial constraints were the main cause. This research aims to identify the impact of finance on access and quality of education and explore possible solutions to overcome this problem. The research method used is analysis of related data from previous research studies. The findings show that families with financial constraints face difficulties in providing adequate educational facilities for their children, which directly affects their educational outcomes. This article also discusses the impact of finance on educational inequality and access to equal educational opportunities. In conclusion, this article formulates the importance of government policies and assistance that support fair and equitable access to education, by providing financial assistance to families in need. In addition, collaborative approaches between government, schools and communities need to be strengthened to overcome these financial challenges and create an inclusive and equitable educational environment.</p> 2024-04-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzan Huda Perdana, Melinda Khaila Nurfadilla, Muhammad Wahyu Daffa Dien, Siti Sopa Lismaya, Syifa Nurjamilah Fatwa Fadilah Leveraging ChatGPT for Personalized Learning: A systematic Review in Educational Settings 2024-08-23T13:23:58+00:00 A.H Sahna Sreen M.H.M. Majid <p>In today’s digital world, personalization is a leading point for each learner to strengthen their educational achievements. Considering innovations in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in the area of natural language processing, Chat GPT has sparked awareness as a viable mechanism for supporting personalized learning. The aim of the systematic review is to identify the present-day status of research on using Chat GPT for independent learning in educational settings. The research effort combines works that study Chat GPT application in learning environments, summarizing the results of a broad survey of scholarly literature. The significance of the Chat GPT in the learning path was identified from the previous studies. Also, the study discusses the practical difficulties and challenges of this technology. The study highlights some potential improvements by the Chat GPT, like improving the individual learning experience, offering seamless feedback and error corrections, encouraging study, and finding study metrics. Also, the study identified some potential challenges, for example, data privacy, bias, accessibility of databases, and similarity between answers. There is a possibility for further research on this topic in advance to get more valuable ideas in the academic field. This comprehensive study examines a collection of AI-based personalized learning ideas to clearly enlighten the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing Chat GPT in an academic environment. Practitioners can gain a clear idea by referring to the article, which will maximize the usage of technology in the near future.</p> 2024-08-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A.H Sahna Sreen, M.H.M. Majid